The Lawyer Life Podcast

5 Minute Meditation for Overcoming Stress

Autumn Noble Season 2 Episode 36

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This guided meditation is to support you when you are feeling overwhelmed and need support to re-focus. 

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Autumn G Noble (00:03)

Welcome to this guided meditation to support you when you're feeling overwhelmed and needing support to refocus.


This meditation will last for five minutes. I will keep track of the time and when we are finished, you will hear me ring a soft bell.


Find a comfortable seated position, either on a chair or on the floor. Sit up tall with your spine straight, but not rigid. your hands gently in your lap or on your knees and close your eyes.


Take a deep breath in through your nose, letting your belly expand, then exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat this a few times, allowing each exhale to release any tension in your body.


Feel the air entering your lungs and leaving your body. And notice how this simple act of breathing connects you to the present moment.


Now settle into a natural rhythm of breathing. Simply observe your breath. Don't force it, just notice the gentle rise and fall. Let the breath anchor you in this present moment.


Bring your attention to the top of your head. Slowly begin to scan down through your body. Notice any areas of tension or discomfort.


As you scan each area, consciously soften and release any tightness.


Start with your forehead, your eyes, and your jaw.


Relax your shoulders, letting them drop away from your ears.


Feel the release in your chest, letting go of any heaviness.


Continue down through your belly, your hips, legs, and feet.


Imagine a warm healing light moving down your body as you release. With each exhale, let go of any tension or stress, feeling your body relax deeper into calm.


Now bring your attention to your heart center, the space in the middle of your chest. Visualize a soft, warm glow of light there. This is your center, your place of inner calm, strength, and clarity.


As you breathe in, feel this light expand, growing brighter and larger with each inhale. With each exhale, let it spread calm and balanced throughout your entire body.


Breathe in clarity and breathe out overwhelm.


As you sit with this feeling, let go of any thoughts about what you need to do or what's causing you stress.


Instead, bring yourself fully into this moment of peace and stillness.


If any thoughts come up, simply acknowledge them and let them drift away like clouds passing in the sky.


Return your focus to your breath and the glowing light in your heart.


Now with your body relaxed and mind centered, bring your awareness back to what's most important right now.


Visualize one thing, a priority or a guiding intention that can help you move forward with clarity and focus.


Imagine this intention as a word or phrase that fills you with calm, purpose, and alignment.


Take a deep breath in, breathing in this intention. And as you exhale, let it ground you.


Allow yourself to feel focused, energized and clear. Know that you can return to this centered place at any time you feel overwhelmed.


Slowly begin to bring your awareness back to the present moment. Wiggle your fingers and your toes and feel the ground beneath you.


Take one more deep breath in and as you exhale, gently open your eyes. Notice how your body feels now, how your mind feels. Give yourself a moment of gratitude for taking this time to pause and refocus.